+1.312.263.3343 brun@broadcastsales.com

Ron: We’re talking with Eric Miller of Syngenta. With the consumer demands and farming practices ever evolving what’s the latest with Syngenta and your target goals with the producers?

Eric: Looking at NK Seeds on the soybean side, our proprietary genetics stacked on top of both and list Enlist E3 and Extend Flex really give us a unique position in the marketplace offering those weed control options that farmers need across the US. On the corn side, all of our hybrids that we’re launching now, we look very closely at the tar spot tolerance. This is a new fungal disease that has certainly garnered some headlines over the last couple of years. 

Ron: With all the news about the herbicides and pesticides the EPA demands, what’s the latest on your end?

Eric: We’ll leave a lot of those tough questions to the EPA. As you can imagine a lot of things will be coming out over the next several months. But I think if we look at the NK portfolio today on the soybean side, it’s all about choice. Having both Enlist E3 and Extend Flex on our proprietary genetics puts NK Seeds in a very unique position. It is one of the many reasons that NK Seeds is the fastest growing seed brand in the US for the second year in a row.

Where can we go on the web to find out more Eric?


This interview was conducted at the NAFB Convention on November 16 – 18, 2022